Rain in Bangalore

June 2, 2013:

Well! Bangalore is full of amusement and fun with lots of pubs and clubs. Well it has a mini wine shop in regular grocery shop. Hence, everything within your reach and it is very handy it very easily. Go to one shop and everything is available.
Inside the wall
Bangalore almost said bye to summer season. It now almost adore the rainy season. The rain brought happiness for the farmer and people; it brought pleasant weather and a wonderful cleanliness in air. Bangalore is known as India's IT hub or electronic city or IT city of India.
Although, Bangalore has her own beautiful and shininess; but rain gives its extra charming and richness to its beauty; every where it is greenery. Charm of Bangalore got extra winds to fly and show to all.
Kormangala, 2nd block in Bangalore

Bangalore is not like other city of India. It is very beautiful and closest to Mother Nature. Whatever we see around us in Bangalore is development, development and development. But in spite of that development authority and other governmental, non-governmental and private organisation did a lot for the preservation of the beautiful of Bangalore. Bangalore is blessed with natural beauty. The climate here is very nice here. From mid May to almost January, the weather is very pleasant and temperature is very low. From June the rain starts. The rainy season is awesome with lots of freshness, chill and clear sky. The combination of three is awesome. The greenery everywhere makes it more adorable. Inside Bangalore is full of development and onsite construction going on but outskirts is more different with field blossoming best flower and growing the best flower it can.
Developing work in Country side

Colorful houses inside the city
Though Bangalore is developed city but still it doesn't have good drainage system. The rain water pour inside the drain cannel easily get overflow due to poor maintenance of the drains. It is a very sad part is that Development Authorities spending lots and lots of money in different projects but they don't see the drainage system. Bangalore is also known for its cleanliness but its losing its creditability day by day due to poor maintenance and performance of different Authorities. In some places it is like small river draining out all the sewages of Bangalore dwellers.

It is very sad and ashamed part for us, as a citizen too because our loving, clean and charming Bangalore is no more. It loses its beauty day by day. If we want our Bangalore then we need to act now. We should be aware of what we are doing is write or wrong, Are we teaching our children the right way to love our nature, environment and surrounding within us. If no? Start today. A little action of today can give a big, bright and better future for tomorrow. It will not change our hearts but also our surrounding to be safe and stay in better environment.

In many developed countries like Germany, USA, they have different plans to reduce pollution, different system from sewage and drainage. We should adopt those technology and techniques to make our cities more better place to live in. We should not give example of others we should be an example. 


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