A trip to Pyramid Valley- A Spiritual Bonding activities

Lord Buddha statue at Pyramid Valley It's a wonderful day, after a long tired some days speeded mostly on figuring out how to write an effective and wonderful dissertation for the Summer Organisational Study for our MBA program, the college offers us an out bonding program to remove the stress and to get training. The Training Program is conducted by the BOUNCYANCEE, communicate with confidence in PYRAMID VALLEY about 60 KMS from our college at Chikkabelandur, near Carmalaram Station. The schedule for departure is at 8:30 am in the morning but due to bus timing, we are almost late for an hour. Around 80 of us have joined this out bonding program. Pyramid valley is a wonderful place full of greenery ever where it is situated on 10 KMS outskirts of Hosur Road. Pyramid valley is meant for meditation and a spiritual learning center in Bangalore. It is the largest of its kind I mean to say that the pyramid in the valley is the largest one of its kind in the world for meditatio...